What am I supposed to think
Hi, by the way I want to notice that I've some difficulties with english language so if don't use the right word just tell me.
Well, so... I have a question I have to ask. (I'm already feel sick...)
when I was young, my elder brother abused me. But it happened a long time ago, I don't remember how old I was and this story resurface 5 years ago (I'm 23). Things are blurred, is that possible that I invented everything? or my mind is trying to protect me(poorly..)
What am I supposed to think about it? Should I be gulty or anger? Is that an important/grave thing? Because now I just don't have any fckng sentiment about that.
Please help with this situation, even if it's for saying hello.
edited by dancingRainbow on 05/05/2017 content edited as too graphic description of abuse, and this is being moved the Traumatic Experiences Community and was edited in accordance with this communities guidelines
Hello you,
I'm not sure what the response is to your situation, but I've seen a couple of threads here which are similar, in that people aren't sure if they're actually remembering an actual event, or just somehow imagining it.
You were a young child at the time, so in no way should you feel any guilt . I hope you can sort it out in your mind. Take care.