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Sexually abused more than once

courageousPomegranate766 November 9th, 2022

When I was little my brother touched me sexually several times. I blocked out a lot of my childhood experiences with him. He bullied me a lot as well. I don't recall the actual details of everything because I suppressed the memories and everytime I think about him I have those thoughts of him touching me. A few years ago I told my mother that something happened but I don't think she believed me. So I just act like nothing ever happened.

In high school my mother's boyfriend grab me one night and pulled me into a field but when he tried to *** and realized I hadn't been having sex he stopped. He begged me not to tell my mother and I didn't because she liked him so much and I wanted her to be happy. He later passed away and I told her but she didn't acknowledge that either.

Since then I have been sexually assaulted 2 more times which one of those times put me in the psych ward for a couple of weeks. I have never pressed charges on anyone, I just pushed everything under the rug.

A few years ago I needed somewhere to stay and my "cousin" by marriage offered to let me stay with him and his girlfriend. Shortly after I moved in he wanted to have sex so I agreed because I didn't have anywhere else to stay.

Most of the intimate relationships I have had have either been physically or emotionally abusive or just sexual relationships.

I want so much to be in a wonderful relationship but the words of being just "a piece of meat" still play in my head.

SparklyKitten7672 November 9th, 2022

Hey, I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s so unfair how the worst things happen to the best people who don’t deserve it. I hope you’ll find peace and truly live your life to the fullest.

I’m praying for you, sparkly kitten

bestSkies5390 November 16th, 2022

Hi I am soo sorry you have had to go through soo many traumatic experiences. My older brother sexually abused me for many years. Which caused me to rebel and find unsafe coping mechanisms such as drinking and starting relationships that would then turn abusive.

I have those intrusive thoughts in my head too it's awful. The feeling of not being good enough to anyone unless there using you because that's what you are used to.

Just know you are not alone. You are strong and you are a survivor. It's easier said than done as I struggle with this too but that's what we are and we can do this x