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considerateSkies4150 April 29th, 2022

I’m experiencing a lot of bad trauma symptoms today. Last night a listener coerced me into doing stuff and I know I was stupid to do it but I was in a vulnerable state of mind. I feel so gross right now and it’s just brought up a lot of bad trauma from when I was younger. I’m not doing good and don’t feel safe talking to anyone 1 on 1 anymore.

SarahMahmoud April 29th, 2022

You can do it, i am here of you wanna talk, sending you all the love and support ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Paige222b April 30th, 2022

hello, I hope you are okay and keeping yourself well,

im sorry you experienced this with a listener it is totally inappropriate, please don’t feel gross about yourself you haven’t done anything wrong.

I am a listener here at 7 cups you are more than welcome to come through to a chat with me if you would like to talk more about this.

take care of yourself lovely ❤️

kindcherry2 May 10th, 2022


Hey Skies,

I'm sorry to hear about the trauma symptoms. i know those can make it harder to function through out the day. I'm sorry to hear that the listen coerced you into doing something you didn't want especially since you were in a vuenerable state of mind. I understand why you would feel gross after doing that. But it's not your fault. That listener shouldn't have pressured you and coerced you into doing something. I know there is people on 7 cups like that. Which is unhealthy and not good. I would suggest to report this person if you didn't and block them since they did what was against the guidelines/rules. i understand how this instance would bring up past trauma that you experienced when you were younger. I understand why you woldn't being doing well after this chat/incident. I know that must have been very traumatizing for you again. I can also understand why you don't feel safe talking/having a one on one chat. I want to let you know you're not alone and that there are good listeners out there that want to help you and listen to your story. Unfortunately I have been in that kind of situation before and it wasn't easy for me to get out of it. But once I did I reported and blocked the person so they can never contact you again. I'm so proud of you for sharing how you felt and feel and please take care and stay safe.

AffyAvo June 2nd, 2022

@considerateSkies4150 It's really not ok that a listener did that to you. If a listener makes you feel unsafe, it's ok to block them.

If you haven't reported them and you know their username it is still possible to do so. If you can access the chat you can block and report that way. If not or you don't want to open it which is understandable you can email with their username.