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My parents

Yomere March 21st, 2021

After years of dealing with flashbacks and recovering memories, it actually started affecting my grades. I asked my parents to see someone to talk to and they gave me a whole talk that I recorded. I tried again and the same thing happened, this time my mom told me she’ll slap me if I come back. I was scared so while in school I texted her that I was molested. She made me feel guilty saying I’m hurting her and why I didn’t say when it was happening. I couldn’t say that they left me out, and paid no attention to me which he realized so they never cared if I was gone. She said I’m being dramatic and being molested should not affect my grades because other people get assaulted and become successful. I don’t know how she knew I wasn’t but I have been. About 2 weeks ago they talking again and I got it on record, and I brought up that I told them what was wrong and my dad said “I know”. I never told him because my mom threatened me not to, and I thought he was a decent parent and would get me help but just ignored it. They said “forget it and get over it”. I mean how the hell do you get over something like that? I only told them about one person when there has been over 4 people. Now I’m convinced they hate me. And sorry if you read all this I’ll probably delete this and thank you for coming to my tedtalk.

WelcomeToChat March 21st, 2021


Dear Yomere:

You have all the right in the world to be heard, believed and cared for.

I have seen in your profile that you live in Germany, a highly developed, rich country,

You might try to get professional help by a school psychologist or some state-sponsored mental health service.

I have found so far these German agencies that help people that were molested like you were, or women abused in some way. You might find some that are useful, or they could direct you to the proper agency for dealing with your issues:

WAVE: Find Help

Use city for "Your Location"

bff: Bundesverband Frauenberatungsstellen und Frauennotrufe *
Federal Association of Women's Counseling Centers and Helplines


FrauenHäuser in Deutschland

Zentrale Informationsstelle Autonomer Frauenhäuser (ZIF)

Adressen Autonomer Frauenhäuser

BIG Koordinierung (Berlin)


Der Weisse Ring: Bundesweites Opfertelefon 116 006

AVA: Häuslicher Gewalt—Infos für Betroffene








Spaß oder Gewalt

World March of Women List

All these are listed in the "Peach pages".

I hope some of these might be of help to you.

And continue participating in this Community ! Post all the thoughts and feelings you want to share, as they come to your mind.

Keep in touch !

All the best !
