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I don’t know

daisyLazy4544 June 20th, 2022

I’m not diagnosed with PTSD and it almost feels embarrassing to say I have trauma even though I went through some tough things.


I’m not yet comfortable with sharing my full story but I will say at about 13, I was blackmailed for explicit photos, most of my life I watched my family get physically abused, I'm not sure if I was emotionally abused, and I’ve recently lost a family member.

I now finally have a loving, understanding, patient boyfriend, but I don’t know how to tell him what’s wrong. He’s knows what I’ve gone through, but lately it’s like I can’t find my words. We are currently long distance due to college summer break and being back home feels unbearable.

i don’t how to describe how I feel all I know it’s that it hurts. I want to say something but I keep saying I’m fine and changing the subject. I feel like I just say that because I don’t know how to put my hurt into words.

FrenchMarbles June 24th, 2022


Hi, I'm FrenchMarbles, one of the listeners here at 7Cups.

I'm so sorry for what you went through, when you have the words, we're here and ready to listen to you.

You matter.

daisyLazy4544 OP June 24th, 2022

Thank you so much :)