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Violent crime

Jinks February 27th, 2016

​It all started in the summer of 96.i was at the local bar just chillin. And jamie comes up to me and asks if i wanted to go to a party. I wouldnt know anyone there i hesitated but there was gonna be coke. And i was hooked on coke back then. So i went....while there at yhe party one guy was very nice to me. He made me feel special almost. He even took me for a boat ride while the other girls stayed behind. After that me n him. Went to a small room with a bed in it. And we did more coke talked bs. And had sex. He was trying to be cool but i was street smart i knew he was being a dog. Something he said to me ill never forget. I cant share it right now. But for me its a nail in the coffin. So to say. Next jump a few month forward. I was at the bar after work. I worked at country hearth inn at the time. Its about 6,7pm...then im feeling pretty buzzed because i hand 2,3 beers by then. Two people come up near me. Started talking to them. They made me feel like one of them. Ok im standing there and i hug them goodbye but as i was hugging the man i felt a sting in my arm. I thought i was stung by a bee. They all laughed and then said that i just got drugged. And i couldnt believe him at first. But then i was trting to leave that bar but they wouldnt let me. And i blacked out. I come to.and im on an airplane. It was about to take off. I was coming too. But they gave me pills to swallow and so i had to take them. I blackout again. Then some guy is with me walking up a driveway. Next page...

Jinks OP February 27th, 2016

@Jinks as we are near a window he tells to go in it. I didnt want to but he said i wouldnt like how he brought me in if i i went thru the window. I go in and see a bunch of stuff i try to study the stuff to keep a mental picture of where i was i noticed a small chair. But then i was taken to another room it was empty. White walls and pipes In the corner. I spit on the wall and tried to leave a note for police to find. But he saw my note and erased it. Then i black out again. When i come to im at a kitchen table forced to write. someone was holding my hand. While writting. After the writting i black out again.then im being dragged down stairs and he places my hand on a door. Saying to me (look what you are doing!) Im now sitting and someone was behind me pulling on something. And that something is a rope type thing and thats when i saw god. The person behind me was killing a child. And i talked with the girl who was dying. but he/she the person behind me. had no clue what was going on.Plus i wasnt aloud to look at them. Otherwise they would kill me. This is the part people wont understand. The girl dying told me not to worry. But then i black out again. And then its another day. I forgot but in the middle somewhere i did call police. The woman helped me. I also used a broken toilet. A lot of stuff i left out but trying to keep it simple. But help people understand my nightmare. Next page....

Jinks OP February 27th, 2016

@Jinks its another day. And i remember him telling me i could leave. And when he said i could leave i took off an ran an ran. Police picked me up off the street. And interrogated me. Told me if i couldnt make a slip knot id go to jail. I couldnt do it i didnt know how. I remember they laughed.. Then i was dropped off at my moms place. And ive been ignored or left out for reasons unbeknown to me. And i feel like im here to be the one to blame that violent crime on me. And that poor baby girl doesnt get justice and nor do i.

Jinks OP February 28th, 2016

@Jinks just a update ive screamed hollared emailed twittered was twitter blocked by police all because i just want to know why im being denyed the facts? They cant have it both ways you cant question me pick me up off the streets and tell me im going to prison if i dont do this or that. and i turned here to tell my story to whomever will listen. Its so frustrating i wish i still had that piece of wood that was found in my private area by the dr i went to so id have proof and then they would have to listen .

Jinks OP February 28th, 2016

@Jinks why didnt i hang on to the piece of wood..i was drugged so much that i didnt understand why it was up there At that time. It took years of flashbacks and me questioning and reading up on the case and screaming when i see a picture that triggers my memory. Saying omg i remember that!!!! And ive also been too scared to say anything. Because i wasnt sure enough. Plus im scared of the people who took me.