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Story of a depressed teenager

User Profile: Aboutqnqmik
Aboutqnqmik September 30th, 2022

My childhood was really bad. My mother was always mad at me. She thinks children are a burden. She always compares me with my sister and neighbors. My sister used to judge me for my looks. She used to call me ugly. She avoided me and used to tell my cousins not to talk to me. I was always alone around my cousins. That's why now I've turned into a depressed teenager. In school, teachers used to compare me with others and drain my energy. these all traumas caused me depression.

User Profile: Creamyyy
Creamyyy September 30th, 2022

@aboutqnqmik so sorry to hear about your experiences. As a child it must be very difficult to process all this. Now as an adult you have to unlearn all those beliefs about yourself that you picked by accident because you didn't know any better. You're not alone. Many of us have childhood experiences that affect our self esteem up until adulthood. Please know we can undo this damage and shape our thoughts in the way that suits us best. Don't be defeated by these early experiences, you will rise from this.

User Profile: theriverissinging
theriverissinging October 1st, 2022

Deleting a duplicate post, guidelines here.

copy-pasting @Josh3889 's comment here!


I am very sorry to hear about your story, just keep doing you! If you ever need a chat just click on my profile.