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I need help on what to do...

Hope7879 December 18th, 2018

I was raped back in September and its not the only time in my life this has happened. I was being reckless. I was raped by an adult I never really met but he used me for his benefits. It has been really hurting me I said the rape won't kill you it will just hurt badly.

I don't know what to do. No I haven't told authorities I don't know if I want to because no one will believe me and its useless plus before anything happened I swore I wouldn't ever tell if something did happen between us. I was reckless and sleeping with random guys. I thought I was pregnant but I wasn't thankfully. I have been crying so much lately. I don't want to feel this bad it's eating me up inside. I had a friend there and she said yell the word purple if something bad happens I said okay. I didn't I froze up and after I cried and I don't know how to cope or what to even do. I have been falling apart. Any way that anyone knows what could help or help a little at least? I just need help badly

Ashelyn December 18th, 2018

Proud of you for opening up about this heart Just remember that it's never your fault, no matter what the circumstances are. I can actually relate a lot to what you've been going through, and I can tell you honestly that you should at least consider reporting it. The idea that the authorities don't believe victims is more of a stereotype at this point. While it probably does happen, most of the time they at least try to investigate these things. There are a lot of things that can apply as non-consensual, and the police do take these things seriously. Just something to consider. Overall though, I'm so sorry that you've gone through this. Stay stronggg x