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Can anyone help me?????

Alone2myself January 19th, 2016

Hello my name is Lostlove. I thought it was time to share my story in hopes of finding someone who can help lead me to a positive life. Since I can remember I have not had a positive view in life. At the age of 3 or 4 I remember being bribed to by a young girl to do things. I really don't remember much of my childhood. My parents argued often due to my father drinking but I really can't remember anything. Just my dad falling and breaking his leg, or them fighting and him leaving for a while. Then at 15 I had my first boyfriend in which I married 9 mths later . I just wanted to be loved. I was married for 9 yrs almost ten til my so called friend left with my husband. Since 98 my life has gone down to the pits of hell. In 2002 my oldest daughter left with her dad, my youngest ( different father ) was kidnapped by her father and my mother died of cancer . This all happen in less than a year. My life has crashed fast after this. Three years later my son leaves . I met a man who manipulated me for 12 yrs ( who just now found God) and have been living a life I hate. I suffer from depression , I have attempted suicide , I'm a survivor to physical , mental , verbal and sexual abuse. I lived with an addict for 12 yrs. I been lied to repeatedly . I trust no one ( find it strange that I trust 7 cups) but I'm coming to you now cause I need help. I endured so many things. A lot I have not written yet. But I don't want this dark cloud anymore. I need positive input. I've been around negativity almost all my life. Please if anyone has dealt with any of this and has overcome please pm me. I need as much of positive input I can get cause I want to be able to say " I'm truly a survivor " . I'm tired of the hurt I carry. Thank you in advance .

sincerely ,


Elle22 January 19th, 2016

Hello Lostlove,
I am sorry to hear that you have had so many challenges in life. Being here and reaching out for help, support, and bettering yourself is extremely brave and admirable. I am glad to hear that you have trust in 7cups. I hope you are able to grow stronger on your path to a better life! You certainly deserve it. You have survived and it is your time to thrive as well!

indigochildwithcherries January 19th, 2016

Hey Lostlove,

It really sounds like life has fairly piled things on you and its not at all surprising that this has left you feeling really down at times and finding it hard to trust others.

Which makes it even more of an accomplishment now that you are reaching out for support and putting your trust in 7cups to try and recieve help through this tough time.

My words are few at the moment unfortunately but I just wanted to let you know that I can relate to being a survivor of many things and that awful dark cloud that can seem endless and cast such a long shadow. I believe that peoples power to overcome lies withing them and their belief that they can do it. Believing in yourself in my book means your 90% there but its building up that belief that can be the hardest part.

I'm wishing you the best on your journey and I'm hoping you find the support you seek here. Just letting you know too that listeners can't PM you, not can members pm you. The way it works is that you can PM a Listener. Hopefully one here will offer to list on your post but also you can to the browse listeners link too and hopefully find one who you feel comfortable with. My advice is to look at the star rating and reviews but also to try and pick on which is showing up as onlne you can tell if they are online, if it says chat now under their profile pic.

Best of luck x

January 19th, 2016


Thank you for you bravery posting here with your story. I am no expert and have not shared all your experiences but can relate to some. If talking would help I can offer compassion and empathy and help you find your own positivity.

please feel free to message me and look after you


Alone2myself OP January 20th, 2016

Thank you to each one of you who replied. After crying like crazy I started to really think. My second step in all this darkness is not to allow the negativity to consume me. I am starting to fight back but not in the way it sounds. I'm fighting back my own mind. When someone tries to bring me down and I start feeling hopeless I stop and think about it. The words they say are not who I am. My past does not define the woman I am. I AM A SURVIVOR ! I have lived threw this horrible nightmare and I will rise . I can't let one person keep controlling my thoughts. They are my thoughts not his. I have control of my brain . He can't control my thoughts or my feelings anymore. It took a real long hard cry and a mediating tape on found on here to make me stop and think about it. I stopped in the middle of that tape and thought " oh my goodness ! I control my breathing not him. I control my feelings not him . I control my life NOT HIM". I know my road is going to be very long but I'm determined to get my life back. To get my smile back and most of all to get my tranquility back. I will still need tons of positive input because 12 yrs of negativity is hard to shake off over night but I know it can be done.

Thank you 7 cup Listeners !!!!!

Jennalovely2 January 20th, 2016

Hello there!

First of all I want to say thank you so much for sharing this, I know it took a lot of courage. I am so glad you reached out for help (especially here!)

That was very strong of you!! I want you to know that there are many people here for you. I am here for you and you are NOT alone! There are many people who have been through similar experiences and would love to help!

You are always welcome to send me a message! heart

Alone2myself OP January 22nd, 2016

I actually giggled today. I felt like a newborn baby who just learned to laugh. I am smiling while I type this cause that was the best feeling in the world. ~ still smiling~

Jennalovely2 January 22nd, 2016


Aw that is great! Keep giggling sweetie laugh