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Birthing PTSD

RosieRose1986 August 24th, 2015

After three years of trying for a baby with no luck, my husband and I got pregnant three times over the next two years, each time resulting in miscarriage. I then got pregnant again, and spent 9 months having panic attacks in amongst the frequent vomiting. We found out antenatally our daughter would need surgery at 3wks old to remove a mass from her bowel. She was born not breathing and required oxygen and heart compressions. She was taken to the NICU and I didn't get to see her until the next morning. I wake up in a cold sweat thinking about the birth.

professionalPerspective60 August 24th, 2015

Oh dear, I'm a struggling to find some words of comfort for you @RosieRose1986, being a parent and watching your child struggle is the worst pain any one can ever feel. Your child is in the best possible hands and the medical world is truly amazing, I have every confidence the doctors are going to work wonders for your little girl so you can bring her home safely. Your strengh now is also very important, you must take care of yourself also, in order to be the most amazing mum that you are. I wish you both a very speedy recovery, and I will pray for you both. Please take care and much love xx

JayBumble December 5th, 2015

I'm so sorry you weren't able to be with your daughter immediately after giving birth. This, and this alone, would be very traumatic for any mother. But to have to experience the health problems and all the fighting you already went through, I can't imagine how devastating that would be for you. Unfortunately giving birth and pregnancy is not always a happy thing to go through, that doesn't reflect on you as a mother at all, I just wanted you to know that. Sometimes we can love something so much it can be hard to feel anything but panic that we might loose it. This is what will make you an amazing mother, all that caring inside of you, and your daughter is so lucky to have you. I'll be thinking of your daughter, and wish her a speedy recovery.