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Am/Have I been abused?

User Profile: BrightGrapes
BrightGrapes October 13th, 2017

My doctors have asked me many times if I've ever been abuse and my answer has always been no, but now I'm not so sure. I've looked up signs of emotional abuse and I've related to: name-caling ((?) it's only been stuff like saying I'm "acting crazy" or am "pitiful". Or saying I'm too thin and have "chicken legs" or I "look heavier"), being yelled and cursed at often, the person not having a predictable temper, being touched when it's clear I don't want to be touched (not sexually, just something like a hand on my leg, but I jerk away several times and they're persistant), making me cry and just continuing to yell at me and provide no comfort, and they have said several times that I should just be put back in the hospital, that way they won't have to deal with me (I had just been released from an overnight stay at the hospital due to my eating (possible eating disorder, not sure yet)). But it seems like the stuff I just listed is a part of their personality, so maybe I'm just looking at this in all the wrong ways? If anyone could offer any insight that would be great, and feel free to ask any questions! Thank you in advance. <3



I am so sorry to hear about your predicament. Its hard struggling with an eating disorder and not having support to get you through each day, prayers.