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Admitted for Surgery

User Profile: hoppingpen
hoppingpen July 14th, 2015

I've been admitted to hospital for surgery on my pancreas tomorrow. I'll be in hospital for at least 5 days. My trauma from which I got PTSD occurred in a hospital, so the whole thing is triggering me and I just need some support. Please be thinking of people who are going through similar situations like mine and continue doing good work. My thoughts are always with those suffering with PTSD as well. Thanks, everyone.

User Profile: Jessica797
Jessica797 July 14th, 2015

Hope everything goes well tomorrow and that you make a steady recovery. All the very best, Jessica x.

User Profile: dada
dada July 14th, 2015

Best wishes darling. I'll be thinking of you. I know how hard it is to deal with PTSD. Big hug.

User Profile: Lee
Lee July 15th, 2015


Sending you all the strength through this difficult time. Please do let us know how it goes.

All my love,


User Profile: whyme11
whyme11 July 15th, 2015

i tried to think how i could use my keyboard to make some flowers, oh well, i guess im not smart enough for that. I hope everything goes well for you. That would be a good idea if they could someway make it possible to put different pictures on here like flowers or balloons that say get well, or whatever else you could think of.

User Profile: hoppingpen
hoppingpen OP July 18th, 2015

Today is my first day post-op and hopefully I get to go home today!!! The nurses and doctors here have been so nice and I wish them all the best. Also, thanks to each and everyone of you who were keeping me in your thoughts. I hope that I don't have to do it again, but more importantly, that none of you have to go through what I did yesterday. Again, good luck,


1 reply
User Profile: dada
dada July 18th, 2015

Hi Rachel, glad to hear all went well, I am delighted for you.

All the best darling, take care.

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