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About real life support

User Profile: IPreferWinter
IPreferWinter August 21st, 2017

I have a looooot of mental issues resulting from childhood trauma. I take good care of myself, have my priorities straight, take my meds, go to therapy, work, want to go back to college, all the right things supposedly.

Though it's never enough for my family, they want me to take big steps, achieve big. They have no idea the pain I go through every day, it's not something one can brush off.

My friends and family think I'm stronger than I am, more capable than I am. Nobody even calls to ask if I'm okay.

I feel nobody sees me and don't want to care. So I make myself seem stronger than I actually am, prolonging the issue further.

On any other day, I deal well alone. But sometimes it's really hard. Glad I found 7cups, it does reduce the loneliness

edited by Rain45 Moved to Trauma community due to forum re-organisation