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A Brief Overview - My Story, TW

LovelyChantel September 25th, 2017

What started and contributed to the development of C-PTSD and dissociative issues

First trauma:

Premature birth (3 months early). Lots of invasive and painful medical procedures for 3 months (was in hospital NICU for 3 months), I died more than once. There was little parental bonding during this time due to being whisked away and kept in incubator and hooked on other machines.

After first trauma, ages toddler to adult - severe physical abuse (severe beltings starting at an early age (possibly, going off of memory fragments), sadistic/painful and "weird games", etc), severe psychological abuse (emotional, verbal, mental), parental alienation/severe covert incest, RA (religious/systematic abuse), and sexual abuse (possibly as a child, no memory just feelings and symptoms), countless rapes ages 17-22. Some possible torture also but not sure if it can be 'termed' that it not.

Also a witness to violence against others throughout childhood.

What about all of you? What do you feel contributed to your issues as adults?

May this be a place we find support and release.

LovelyChantel OP September 25th, 2017

I want to add that there was soooooo much love in my childhood by my parents too. I think they meant well, truly. The love was genuine. I am blessed for that.

LovelyChantel OP September 25th, 2017

@wizeakre I have a bf who's supportive. And I was basically an only child after I was 7bas all the siblings moved out. Inwas the golden child, and scapegoat, and the other labels and roles... it was a lot of really good times too. In fact, it mostly always was really great and loving. My dad and I would go hunting (that was really all we ever did, it was our thing) but I only liked it so much because he wanted me to. I don't really like killing things now. But as a child I gladly did. And my mother was also very loving and tender but also abusive. They have narcissistic tendencies at times too... my father and I were very enmeshed in a covert incest relationship... I replaced my emotionally absent mother in all ways except physically sexual... and looking back he touched so close to my "areas" and I know have severe triggers related to those areas that I now wonder... I mean obviously it bothered me or I wouldn't be habing such severe flashbacks and triggers related to those areas... He would touch them or quite near them during his games...