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thoughtfulLake1842 March 12th, 2022

Hi, I’m Melissa. I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet (and if I did, sorry). I’ve been through emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. The emotional abuse was the most prevalent. I have a hard time trusting people no matter how hard they say and show that I can trust them. I have a hard time opening up. I like this because it feels like a journal. I type stuff and it goes out to the void. 🙃

WriteToHeal42 March 27th, 2022

@thoughtfulLake1842, Hi Melissa,

Nice to meet you :) I'm sorry to hear all the abuse you have been through, and I can understand why you are hesitant to trust people. Thank you for opening up here, that's really brave of you to do. I like how 7cups feels like journaling too.

I post weekly check-ins in Trauma Support, feel free to join us any time. :)