First entry
I just joined the 7 cups and it feels a bit awkward to release the things I’ve been holding in. I tend to not tell things that distress me to those around me because I don’t want to worry them or show weakness since I’m the friend they depend on.
I was recently se*ually a**aulted and since it wasn’t the first time it has happened to me, I thought I should not react too badly to it.So I ignored what happened and although it occasionally comes up in conversations I make a joke out of what happened. It’s strange but for some reason what happened still irritates me. It feels selfish of me to talk about something in the past when my friends have other worries(exams) so I’m keeping it to myself.
I guess the question I’m asking is ‘should I tell them what I’m feeling?’ Part of me wants to and that’s technically why I am asking this but I’m also scared of losing them because of how long I’ve held the secret( it’s been a couple weeks since the incident)
@turquoiseSea8686 sits beside you and hugs you tightly ❤ I'm sorry this happened to you🙁 your friends may have their own problems, but it's ok to not always be the strong one ❤ your problems matter just as much as anyone else, and something this severe 😥 yes I think you should tell them, they are your friends and need to be there for you to ❤ are you safe now? It's ok to share here to, this is a safe place ❤ welcome to our cups family ❤ I'm Lola, and I'm here for you, we all are ❤