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WendyBird14 July 7th, 2021

hey I recently found out I have DID, and I'm looking for a listener who knows about DID and can help me understand better what is happening. I have 0 control about who will front and I have no communications with the alters yet..
the switching is been hard on me mentally and phisically..

Some alters get my account muted in the rooms and It's really frustrating. I hope to find a way to get it under control.

cuteeeezombieeee July 8th, 2021

Hey! Recently finding out that you have DID and having to cope with an overwhelming amount of emotions must be so difficult *offers hugs*
I'm glad to hear you're looking for a listener who understands DID better. You could try the Browse Listeners page by using the PTSD/ Trauma filter. It might help you find someone who can help you out! Try this link.

Keep being awesome~Sierraheart

Elrondionnath July 8th, 2021

I am new to the app and don't fully understand it yet, but I have DID myself and understand how hard it can be to find someone who is able to listen and take what you say at face value. It's a difficult experience to understand, so many people struggle to believe us when we talk about it. Again, I don't yet under how the app works, but it you're able to , then I'd be happy to listen.

cuteeeezombieeee July 8th, 2021

Hey! I'm glad to see that you want to connect and help someone! Being new to the app, you might not be aware that members aren't allowed to privately message each other. Private messages are only permitted between members and listeners.heart
Here's a member welcoming pack which might help you out too! Feel free to reach out if you any further questions!
