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Leaving the past

PretzelDeer December 9th, 2022

Another day, Another nightmare

A midnight tear

I struggle to bear

To maintain

To tame

I'm climbing an invisible ladder with missing rims

The climbing is rough, but there's surely an end

Correct if I'm wrong, but it takes a warrior to be strong

Stuck in my head

Struggling to put the past to bed

I want to nest

Put the trauma to rest

It's harder than it seems

Trying to be seen

Breaking free

Being me

I want my mind at ease

I want the scars to cease

I'm trying

No more hiding

I'm in the right direction

To rid this mental infection

One day I can heal

One day I'll finally deal

With everything he did to me

And set my mind at last, free

Sunisshiningandsoareyou December 9th, 2022

Hello @PretzelDeer, nice to meet you.💛

I hope replies are okay here, feel free to skip if not.

Goodness, this made me cry, I probably won't be as well eloquent maybe, but I couldn't resist replying what comes to mind after reading it.

For one, I admire people who have a knack for creative expression, to have a way to express how we feel, saying what's in our mind without "actually" saying it straight out (maybe that's way more difficult for many of us mhm?), this wasn't easy either, I just know hehe, which makes me super proud of you for even just trying. <3 This is beautifully expressed, I see how there's hints of truth, your thoughts and feelings, a deep sense of hurt but what else? Hope, there's lots of hope here and I am awe-d to sense it. ❤

Nightmares are absolutely awful, taking one back to places they would like to escape, memories they'd like to forget, it's something very deep rooted in the mind though it seems, the scars, that keep inflicting pain upon us and don't let us forget things we would really want to. My heart really goes out to you, for whatever wrong that happened that has caused you trauma, making it difficult for you to be more *you* and setting your mind free. :/

Hints of hope. ✨

Yes you deserve to be seen, to be heard, to be able to feel connected with *you*, to heal, and to set your mind free someday. It might be a long way ahead, but I see you've already started taking many steps, so we dont know when we'll reach there, but we will, the climbing has an end and I so hope it's a beautiful and peaceful one for you. While on many days it may seem like merely dragging forward, it still counts, okie? Every little step, every little drag, every breath you take moving forward~ they all count.

I'm so proud of you for being here, battling it through and from where I see it, you're a warrior indeed, growing stronger every passing moment.

Sending lots of love, peace and strength your way. I hope someday is a whole lot better for you, and your mind. 💛 Keep walking forward at your pace, while remembering it's okay to take time to catch a breather and rest, *you* do deserve some rest also.

InvaderStitch February 10th, 2023

I love this. Very nicely written and very relatable. You're not alone in these feelings. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us.

HipsterChic February 10th, 2023

I am rooting for you as you journey towards healing. Thanks for sharing these touching words with us.