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On Violence against women.

User Profile: SchandeUndHass
SchandeUndHass November 26th, 2015

Tupac once said, "A woman once brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one." I 100% agree with the statement; why wouldn't I? But, I really hate how there is a 'stop violence against women day' or how the first thing that comes to mind in Domestic violence is the man beating his wife. Don't get me wrong, like I said, I'm against the women violence, but I think people are too close-minded enough to not stand up for no violence against anyone. Now I'm not assuming those believe that violence against women is the only thing wrong. But to move forward in the Human race we need to start being and standing up in stopping the violence against children, against human beings. That includes us men too. Now i'm not saying there should be a day for it, there shouldn't. Actually, everyday should be it. Stop Violence should be the main focal point, not just for one specific group. Heck, stop violence against dogs and cats and other animals. I guess what I'm saying here is to stop only rooting for the stoppage of the violence against women and start just saying "Violence is enough, for everyone. Thank you and God Bless. I'd also appreciate it if a mod did NOT edit or delete this post.

User Profile: Lee
Lee November 26th, 2015


Thank you so much for sharing your views and perspectives with us.

I can agree wholeheartedly that there are assumptions underlying beliefs about domestic violence - such as, women are the only victims, and that's unfair to victims of domestic violence who aren't women.

I also agree that we should try to stop violence in general, on a daily basis as we all deserve to lead peaceful, safe lives.

One thing I do want to say about Domestic Violence Awareness day is that it calls attention to a phenomenon that many people do not know very much about. It's a time for education and information on a subset of violence. I can definitely understand why you would feel that - since there aren't days for the other types of violence - that it can be seen as unfair.

Domestic violence, however, is pervasive in many societies and it can be against children too. It is a very tragic thing. I see your side completely, but I just wanted to point out that sometimes, dedicating some time to a cause can help us understand its importance.

Perhaps, like you've said, we should also take time to think about other forms of violence - and send strength to anyone who has to endure it.

I really appreciate you commenting your thoughts on the forum, and thank you for your investment in humanity.
