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Join the Domestic abuse community?

copingwithtrauma November 10th, 2017

Is there a way to join this community like I have with some others? I dont see a place to do that here...

Anomalia November 10th, 2017

@copingwithtrauma - This community isn't yet a full subcommunity like some of the others, so for now, the best way to be involved in the community is to post and communicate with others here - over time, as activity in this area builds, we hope to be able to turn it into a subcommunity. :)

copingwithtrauma OP November 10th, 2017


Thanks for the feedback. I am surprised that this is not already an established community! There seems to be a lot of awareness in my area for this issue. I just attended a conference this weekend on the issue of having a church wide response to domestic abuse. But i guess the sad turnout should have clued me into the need for more education on the issue. Hopefully this will become a strong community soon. My best guess as to why it isnt already is that so many people who are being abused in their marriage do not think they are because they do not have bruises. Abuse is so much more.

Thanks again for responding