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His Voice

alittlebook January 6th, 2022

My traumatic memories and the issues they have brought about are still very fresh because it was recent. I’ve found myself struggling to even consider myself a victim of abuse, even though he was probably moments away from killing me multiple times. I think that’s because his voice is so engrained in my mind. I know what he’d think and say if I verbalized that in front of him. After all, he always told me that I drove him to it. The blame was always on me, even though I wore the bruises and burns on my skin. It’s like his voice has become engrained in me, and it makes it difficult to accept that he did abuse and victimize me and that it wasn’t my fault. As a result, I’m very torn.

halcyonCloud2036 January 6th, 2022


I am so sorry you experienced all of that pain and suffering. You did not cause it. You are not to blame. It was not your fault.

I know it is hard to really believe that, but just know that a victim does not ask for the harm someone causes. You are strong and a warrior.

Sending you vibes for strength and peace❤️

pioneeringGrapes426 January 7th, 2022

I know what you are going through and your not alone. ❤️ I went through a life or death situation as well and was fairly certain the outcome was going to be death. I agree that the voice of someone who is bringing the trauma to you, can definitely be one of the PTSD effects. I can still her the voice of my attacker taunting me telling me I’ll never make it out of there alive. It’s something that has been embedded into my head for awhile now.