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Being bullied and harressing me hurting me

Margaret61 February 25th, 2023

I'm being bullied and harressing and neighbore underneath me causeing awhole lot of problems she hurting my neck brain in spinel back

InvaderStitch February 25th, 2023


That sounds really rough and challenging! How are you coping with it? I imagine being bullied and in so much physical pain makes it so hard to feel safe at home!

Margaret61 OP March 19th

Yeah my son being verbally abusive to me he rush my heart beats and caused a headache to I told go get treated for the mites he has he said bugs are fake he upsetted big time I'm so tired of his sassy mouth I raised him with out his daddy from birth to kid to teenager to a adult young man I'm a single mommie had 3 xx men help me raise my son up x boyfriends from long time ago I'm far past