4-7-22 Weekly Summary of the Best of Therapy Subcom
Spring is here if you live in the northern hemisphere. Warmer weather, flowers, rain showers, and lots more.
Here are some of the Thread links so you can quickly get to the articles you want to read.
LisaMeighanMBPsS Therapist and Counselor at 7cups Words of Wisdom
Often we get helpful words from others or perhaps a quote that has inspired us or helped us in some way. Why not share the words of wisdom that inspire you - click Here.
amiablePeace77 Community Mentor Feeling inadequate? Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Have you thought that I should not be at a party because everyone is talking about things I don’t have a clue about? You might have experienced feelings of inadequacy, but what does it really mean to feel inadequate?
Desmynn6789 Forum Supporter What magical powers do you wish you had as a kid?
Remember when you were a kid and had imagination and could imagine all kind of super powers? Here is your chance to recall that memory and share it.
amiablePeace77 Community Mentor Unloading your Thoughts to get a Calm Mind
How can we lessen our thoughts and bring a little peace to our minds. Read more here!
LisaMeighanMBPsS Therapist and Counselor at 7cups Health Benefits of Nurturing Plants at Home
If you are a big plant fan like me, please show us some pictures of your plants or if you do not have any yet, perhaps you can share with us the name of your favorite plant(s)?
Desmynn6789 Have You Ever Found Yourself Striving for Perfection?
Sometimes when achieving our goals, we expect everything to be perfect throughout the journey. However, that is not always the case.
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@adventorousBranch3786 @allnaturalWillow7138 @ambitiousGlobe3422 @amiablePeace77 BeamsOfHope00 @blissedNblessed @D@dlynn88911221 esmynn6789 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fruityPond7887 @helgafy @imaginativepear6493 @Jordan1872 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @meaningfulSilence @nessa104 @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @soulsings @SpongeBob2021 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @warmheart0890 @waves