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When there is deep grief, there is great love.

Naevis September 15th, 2022

It's not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves. For all the things we didn't do, for all the things we should have done.

innateJoy9602 September 15th, 2022



Very well said!

Self-forgiveness is very important!

Thanks for the reminder💛✨

thoughtfulPineapple3979 September 15th, 2022

How does one forgive themselves if they never knew

4Runnning44AspiringJD September 15th, 2022


Naevis OP September 16th, 2022

I guess no one knew. Only time will tell, and i believe we will all get there. Not immediately but definitely 🤍

millipede03 September 18th, 2022

The only way you will move forward and work on yourself is too forgive yourself or others but take your time and have more self compassion and love for yourself so you can do the same for others. Good luck on your journey to self healing🙏

soulsings September 17th, 2022

@Naevis yes I agree forgiving ourselves or at least accepting we made a mistake and not ruminating trying to make a different outcome. I cannot change the past.

Idontcare67 September 17th, 2022

That's why I don't have great love in my life

soulsings September 17th, 2022

@Idontcare67 I hear you. I have tried to not love and to love and both have been problematic for me.

There is a way I am trying to love by not clinging to the idea that someone else can make me happy. I can drop my expectations and assumptions about the other person and just be with them in the present moment. It is not easy for me because I have accumulated lots of expectations and assumptions but it is possible.

Idontcare67 September 17th, 2022

You did Not need to care

Fehpa1994 September 18th, 2022
