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Need ADHD Help

arosey8 June 10th, 2019

Hey so I'd really appreciate if someone could respond ASAP.

Anyway, I have finals tomorrow and I need to study, but I also have missing assignments that need completing and I don't know how to budget my time to get both done and I don't know how to not get distracted because the material is super boring.

Butterflee June 10th, 2019

@arosey8 first thing is a quote from my favourite writer, Douglas Adams: "Don't panic!"

We cannot concentrate on boring long stuff, but we can assimilate more than most people can and we can do bursts of intelligence if we want...we can excell in our own ways as ADHD...have confidence, I have ADHD and many diplomes and survived many exams. I I excelled when noone could excell and put up shows when I let my intelligenge are wonderful and exams do not define yoy🤗🤗🤗you are who you are and you excell when you want not when others want you to or expect it from you...relax, exams and school do not define who you are and do not let yourself be stressed or put down by the are free and have a beautiful mind like mine🤗🤗🤗🤗ADHD brothers🤗...i feel you...