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Keeping it real

elektra1717 February 27th, 2022

Hi! Truthfully speaking everyday is so different. Some days are ok when others are super bad. Even though the struggle is definitely real

I truly look forward to a new day where I can try again. It’s not easy but gotta keep at it. Small progress is still progress. 😬

elektra1717 OP February 27th, 2022

I hear you. Some days are tougher than others but nevertheless, we have another opportunity. I feel that even on my worst days I’ve learned something. That is what it’s about. If something happened that set you into a funk maybe start dancing to some music and make up your own dance moves. Every little thing makes an impact and anything worth your well being is so worth it. 😊

soulsings February 27th, 2022

@elektra1717 I like your attitude of small progress. Any progress even a little is a good thing. Thanks for sharing.

elektra1717 OP February 27th, 2022

😊 Gotta find the positive in anything and everything. Always thankful for the small mercies.

soulsings February 28th, 2022

@elektra1717 yes and keep dancing or exercising or doing yoga. Exercise and movement helps restore us to a natural state of calm.

elektra1717 OP February 28th, 2022

Indeed 😊

decisiveWalker298 February 27th, 2022

Hi, i feel sad, can u help me, i wanna cry

soulsings February 28th, 2022

@decisiveWalker298 I am sorry you are so sad. If you want you can try the Sharing Circle and you can have 5 minutes to share what is happening.

If you prefer a more private situation, you can have a one to one with a listener by browsing here

Hope you get the support you are looking for.

MeaningfulSilence March 3rd, 2022


Hello there, sorry to hear you are feeling bad. Chatting with a listener can give you the chance to talk about it into depth, maybe it can help?


MeaningfulSilence March 3rd, 2022


Hello to you, that's a very positive attitude, it will help you through life journey, during good and bad moments.

Keep on going! πŸ‘

elektra1717 OP March 4th, 2022

Thank you! We have to try. 😊

Jewelmoon17 March 4th, 2022


I feel the same way too. Some days are good and some days are bad. Some days are a struggle to even think about for me. But some days are exciting that I am eager to get up and see the world.

Thank you for being so positive. It makes me feel inspired. :)