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I got a question?

brokeninnc21 January 25th, 2022

Does anyone in her have bipolar anxiety manic depression and ptsd?

Today is a day where I am really emotional today. And I don't know where it is coming from. I have a great guy now who supports me through all of this. But yet I feel like crying today. I am happy where I am but I am just all over the place with my emotions.

Let me tell you some about me. I was diagnosed about 6 years ago with anxiety, manic depression with psychosis tendencies, and ptsd. The ptsd and anxiety came from being married to an abusive alcoholic husband. And I had alot of abuse from him. He passed away 5 years ago. But sometimes all the negative things he said to me still lingers.

The ptsd came from when I was 16 and I lost my child. As I held him until he took his last breath. Well 4 years ago I met a man who still to this day has a long lasting affect on me. He left me a little over a year ago and moved in with another woman. That is when I found out I was bipolar.

Now I met the guy I'm with and he is there for me through everything. But I am still on this Rollercoaster rise. What do you all do to get through these tough times. When you don't know how to explain what is going on in your head? Ease give me some suggestions. Thank you for letting me vent.

amiablePeace77 January 25th, 2022


First of all I would like to acknowledge how brave you are for reaching out to get support! You surely have a lot on your plate to deal with and have been through a lot in your life. I believe nothing is harder for a mother than to hold her child in her arms whilst the child takes the last breath. Hugs (if accepted). It takes a lot of strength to get through all of this and still focus on finding ways to help yourself.

Something that I find helpful in dealing with rollercoaster emotions is to take a few breaks during the day, just to do breathing exercises and also to do longer a meditation in the morning and one at night. This helps to strengthen the calming nervous system. Counting to 10 before reacting helps to put a buffer between you and a possible trigger. Sometimes though, it works best to remove yourself from a situation temporarily (for example excuse yourself and go to the washroom, do a chore)

Having a good diet for mental illnesses like avoiding sugar as much as possible, no or very little caffeine, less carbs and little saturated fats can make a big difference.

Learning to manage emotions is essential to avoid unwelcome angry burst outs.

You will find self help guides here

I'm glad you have a partner now who supports you and I hope coming here will help you too. To me much is about doing enough self care, no matter what kind of illness we have to face. Sometimes getting guided support can be the best though.

I hope this helps. Never forget that you can always connect to a listener here for a 1:1 chat if you like to share more about your situation.

soulsings January 25th, 2022

@brokeninnc21 I am sorry you ave had some difficult relationships. That must have been a challenge.

AmiablePeace77 has some great ideas for you. A therapist can be helpful for helping identify patterns that we fall into in our relationships. If you choose not to go that route you can still help yourself by finding ways to self support yourself through difficult times. Some examples of that would be doing exercises like yoga and eating healthy to maintain our strength and stability. This can make us start looking to ourselves to meet the challenges we face.

Mindfulness is something we practice here at 7cups. The discussion schedule can be found here if you care to join.

You can also see short videos on mindfulness here

The more we become self reliant, the less vulnerable we are to abandonment or changing circumstances in our lives.

If you want to explore therapy further, there is a paid option here at 7cups