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orangeTriangle4803 January 1st, 2023

Having some shame spirals about past actions that I though I had processed and let go of. Giving g myself a bit of a hard time for feeling this way. I realized I have been avoiding certain people thT would make me think about a time in my life I'm really not proud of myself for. It's hard to show compassion for myself sometimes. I know negative thoughts are not going to make it better. I'm thinking it's time to really put some effort Into therapy but I'm not sure how to start. Any advice on choosing a therapist?

innateJoy9602 January 1st, 2023


Self-compassion can be difficult to give yourself. Choosing and making that step to see a therapist can also be tough. So, I appreciate that you recognized that is probably the best for your wellbeing and are making that step. As far as choosing one, I actually found this post that talks about some helpful question to consider when choosing a therapist. I hope it can be a bit helpful: 6 Key Questions to Ask When Choosing a Therapist💜

gnomadicmind January 2nd, 2023

Hello. I’m new here but your post resonates with me. Shame is a funny one. It makes us reflect so negatively and causes a lot of self hurt. It’s a tough feeling to get past. I’ve been reading a bit on this subject recently.

pat present I’m feeling shame over something that I did which was the right thing to do (according to values of others) and I feel shame.

It’s a feeling that upon self reflection can help us change for the better though. You’re starting to process what has happened and you’re reaching out and asking for help. You’ve done the hardest part already by recognising that you need help.

You’re stronger than you think!

A therapist that has had training in somatic psychology would be amazing if you can find one. Other therapy that’s CBT based would be valuable. DBT can help with feeling strong emotions. Just make sure that you trust and feel comfortable with any therapist that you choose. If you don’t feel comfortable with a therapist don’t feel afraid about trying a few different ones. Finding the right therapist can be a bit like finding new friends. We don’t always ‘fit’ with everyone we meet.

Take care and best wishes on your healing journey.

considerateRecipe9482 January 2nd, 2023

@orangeTriangle4803 hi,hoping for your fast recovery.I suggest u to do some exercise and physical work.Dont overthink about things.Feel free to share with anyone who cares.Love yourself if no one does.Always keep yourself busy.Buzzines will remove toxic thoughts.

About therapist,first try chatting and sharing with listener.This will work out for u

soulsings January 2nd, 2023

@orangeTriangle4803 choosing a therapist can be easy here at 7cups. You can look at the therapist's profiles and find more information That is a paid option but you can change therapists until you find one you feel can help you.

You have unlimited message privileges to send to therapist 24/7 and they reply on weekdays with 1-2 messages. If more questions about Online text based therapy at 7 Cups, feel free to aks here in reply to this post or send me a message