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Hi everyone try to be the best version of yourselfs today

chimmyblackheart July 20th, 2023

Be aware that don't let sxhokl bring u down cry all u want but the next day ay skl show them who is biss act unbother and non chalant be yourself and be brave ilysm

soulsings July 21st, 2023

@chimmyblackheart I like your inspiring quote about being the best version of yourself. That is something to help me cope with disappointment.

I am sorry that you feel like school is a challenge. That is a very difficult thing for teens to cope with in my experience because it tries to make you into something different than you feel you are, even though it can help you live life.

Hope you continue on and see what is on the other side of school. There is a life after school but completing school makes the next phase easier.