Grim Reaper
Is it strange that I dreamed of my own death? The day before I was very desperate and dreamed of a grim reaper. A few things happened and he brought me back into my body telling me that my time had not come and to value my life more.
I can only imagine how scared you might have felt when you woke up the next morning! People have different ideas about what the meaning of dreams like that, for example trying to escape from too much pressure or being in a transformational stage (change in life) but tbh I find that when I have a lot of challenges and do not enough self care my dreams can be scary. Something that helps me is to do a meditation before bedtime and also watching something uplifting.
Yes, it was kinda scary but gave me a good lesson. But I'll try the meditation. Thank you for the advise. I really need to relax. 😅
I hope it will help. You can find a great selection of videos here: Mindfulness video library