Replacing one addiction with another
Hey everyone. I was curious if anyone has successfully replaced a drug addiction with a healthy addiction? Such as exercising. I have struggled to kick a habit and Im alone through every relapse. I want to try replacing it with jogging/ working out. Any tips, recommendations or stories? Thanks in advanced.
Hey there, @MajesticNicolle.
You asked an excellent question! :o
One thing I would like to say is that I wouldn't necessarily call a healthy "addiction" an addiction as much if it's good for you and is getting you out and active (if we're referring to exercising) but I'm really glad you brought this whole topic of "replacement" up because I can't express the importance enough of how good it is to keep yourself busy and distracted when trying to fight an addiction. Even just going outside for some fresh air and having a stroll around the garden or down the street can be very effective with the fresh air.
Hey there @MajesticNicolle
You have an asked an excellent question and I agree with the other poster that replacing one "addiction" with another although healthy, isn't necessarily the best idea. But I will say that you are on the right track by recognizing that you have to change your people, places, things, habits and activities in order to be successful on your sobriety journey. If I had a suggestion, especially for excercise it would be to find a fitness community to start your journey. Thanks to social media, it may be a google or facebook group search away from a community who will welcome you and get started. Since you mentioned being alone in your journey there is nothing wrong with finding a different kind of support in the fitness community.
Best of luck to you and thank you for this topic.