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Prescription drugs

User Profile: Peter1447
Peter1447 June 13th, 2019

I just wanted to share my thought on here and maybe a discustion i have been on opiod Prescription medication for over 4 years now because of a back injury. i am still waiting on surgury because its a long and complicated work cover incident.

i know im going to need to get off these one day and i an actally excited to not need to take pain killers just to have a normal life.

My questions are , what are peoples thoughts on so strong pain killers ?

Do we as a society need to do more research and better education on such medication ?

The huge pharmaceuticals that make so much money off these do they need to be held more responsible on the effects of this medication when addiction comes along?

Any other information you think that can get a healthy discussion going

I am just really curious peoples opinion on this topic so i just want to leave it open for discussion

- Peter

User Profile: Jackie
Jackie June 14th, 2019


Hi Peter and welcome to 7cups. I do believe the medications such as benzodiapine and opioid has bad reputation due to large population who misuses the drugs. It's life saving medication that helps people who lived with chronic pain. I don't personally believe it's meant to be used for anything other than to treat unbearable pain. There are so many different less invasive medication that helps with variety of mental health symptoms.

I don't have much thoughts as I am quite bais about it all due to my personal experience in using the drugs not as prescribed.

I hope you recover soon and keep us updated!

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User Profile: Peter1447
Peter1447 OP June 15th, 2019


thanks for your input.

Luckly I am using them as prescribed at the moment and have been all along. But I understand how people start using them not prescribed because the strength these drugs have are insane and its so bad how easily accessible they can be sometime.

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User Profile: Cflower
Cflower June 15th, 2019

I have chronic pain and do not use medication, i was prescribed opioids for other problems and refused. It's become a long time habit for people to use the cover of pretended illnesses for "legal drug abuse". That is disgisting and not fooling anyone.

I have a dear friend who has terminal lung cancer and less than 2 months to live and they won't give him morphine but the give you opiates!

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User Profile: Peter1447
Peter1447 OP June 15th, 2019

Im so sorry to hear about your friends must be a hard time for you at the movement. For sure they should have access to pain relief to help there quality of life at the moment !

i also think opioid medication should have a more centralised proccess of who is accessible to them so like for expamle if you tick x y and z box you should be given xyz opioid I know there so much more reasoning around this medication but more information given to doctors because some know how to proscribe them a lot isnt either


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User Profile: Chr15t0ph3r
Chr15t0ph3r June 30th, 2019

@Peter1447 There is a time and place for nearly everything. Strong opiates are useful for intense pain that won't last for long, e.g. surgical recovery. The problem is doctors do not understand pain very well, and it seems like painkillers are either over- or under-used rendering them ineffective much like what happens with antibiotics. I took a neuroscience of pain class a long time ago, and I do not remember a lot of it, but the general problem is not many people are researching pain, so it is still pretty poorly understood. The professor I had said it was actually important to take your painkillers exactly as directed, because you want to avoid feeling intense pain, because the longer you are in agonizing pain, the more likely it is that your brain will "learn" and "memorize" this pain, causing you to feel it again randomly in the future when nothing is wrong (as in idiopathic pain). It makes sense, because everything you feel and do causes changes in your neural circuitry, and things you do and feel more often can create new stronger neural pathways. So initially avoiding painkillers ironically can set you up for being addicted to them in the future.

Anyway, I'm sorry about your back, and I hope you get off the opiates soon!

User Profile: medusangel
medusangel July 2nd, 2019

Currently addicted to them and want to stop. Might be pregnant. I use kratom most of the time. I was doing well tapering but then some stuff happened that made me feel really hopeless and upset so I took more of them to stop myself from crying and not alarm other people. I'm trying to start tapering again. I think small doses can be okay to treat pain and anxiety, but not if they're abused.