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If you are a former or current addict could you answer my survey for my dissertation on addiction treatment. Thank YOU!

User Profile: Harman91
Harman91 April 7th, 2018

Hi guys,

Currently a student at the University of Lincoln UK. This dissertation thesis is very close to my heart as i've had family members who have succumb to addiction. The aim of the dissertation is to evaluate the most productive treatment methods.

I would very much appreciate if you could provide responses! And good luck in overcoming and beating whatever faces you. Thanks! I'm also a listener and would welcome any PM's if you require support.

User Profile: Callipiphan
Callipiphan May 8th, 2018

I am struggling to understand something. You know about addiction. There is no former or current.

Proper terms is active addiction and recovering addict. Active addiction is when someone is well currently out using drugs. Recovering addict is someone with 1+ days clean from drugs. Now if you are talking about alcohol (someone who never experimented with other stuff) addiction is still used but it would be recovering alcoholic. If someone has a mental health condition before addiction it would be called co-occurring.

User Profile: GuardianAngel77
GuardianAngel77 May 9th, 2018



I tried to do the survey, but

Could not do it because it say by invitation
