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Using and funcrioning in society vs sober and completely depend

darkandbruised July 2nd

Hi I'm new here. Iove what this app and what it stands for.

For that reason I apologize if this post isn't suited for here. Just let me know and I'll delete it.

So I've been using weed since I was 16 years old. I used a lot of substances. Most of them i quit because I saw the negative effects it has on your life. I don't want to end up a homeless junkie, completely detached from reality...

But on the other hand I'm severky depressed and traumatised and I don't really feel the effect of medication. Therapy does help to a sertain extence.

I discovered this substance that does let me act more positive, makes me more engaged and gives me energy and motivation to finish all my tasks. It's like my Adderal but obtained illegally. I can work and actually perform better with it.

While if i let myself go I end up being comitted in a mental hospital unable to take care of myself. I know self medicaging is bad but i've been in and out of mental health system for almost 10 years now and never got a real solution. And this is so much more effective...

I just struggle with the taboo on useage. So what is better for me cuz I honestly don't know at this point. Should I restart legal medication and therapy even tho it isn't that affective yet more accepted and LEGAL? Or should I continue with this substance at a controlled level?

I WILL NOT PROVIDE THE NAME OF THE SUBSTANCE. I'm here for actuall advice on my sotuation. Help me see clearly cuz I feel like my vision might be troubeled

toughTiger6481 July 3rd


Have you asked a medical provider about this substance?     not as an alternative .........but as a  is there a legal substance that is closer to this?    and may provide better results.   You could say you tried  and seemed to function better to figure out what chemistry might be the key for your situation. 

The problem with using an item like this is you really have no idea of long term side effects...or what could be laced in it ... generally illegal substances are a crap shoot.    I can appreciate the wanting to function better and not waiting for providers to start with one drug go to another and another hoping to stumble on the one that may work ... it is time consuming and often expensive playing try this .... no try this...

Celestine22 July 4th

@darkandbruised I agree with the other person that responded to your thread. Ask medical advice, tell them you tried this substance and see if they have a legal alternative close to it. I don't know about what substance you are talking, but right now my boyfriend is a drug addict. Seeing illegal drug use and addiction from this close, I don't wish this upon anyone. No matter what, no matter how desperate the situation looks like, please don't resort to illegal drugs, it shouldn't be an option. I wish you the best luck and I hope things will be better for you soon 💚

blueOcean6753 July 6th

I agree with the other 2 people that commented. I don't think you should continue using this. Your going to this illegal alternative but like anything else you will grow a tolerance to it then you will need more and more. Also what happens if you can't get it any longer from your source? Withdrawals will start that can be unbearable then you turn to another illegal drug to cope with not taking that any longer. It's a cycle that leads no where. I would seek out a medical doctor that can help you but not just with medication. Do real therapy try to change what you do in your day to day life. I know it's easier said than done, but not impossible. But medication alone will not get to the root of the issue. It will just numb you temporarily. My best wishes and prayers to you.