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I'm thinking of going back on heroin

AlladinInsane84 August 6th, 2023

I am clean for a few weeks now, but I realized that I am completely alone and no one cares sincerely about me. I can't take it. I have no reason to fight with addiction anymore! I think I'm gonna start using again.

Skansly August 6th, 2023


That definately not true that no one cares about you.

What was your motivation before to stop using it?

(Since its a great achievement )

AlladinInsane84 OP August 6th, 2023

@Skansly I wanted to get clean because I was losing myself, health etc. But I have no one to support me and publec services do nothing

toughTiger6481 August 6th, 2023


How long do you think all should be better..... how long do you give to meet others change your life.

Getting clean is hard... you made that choice... and congratulations for the time you have stayed clean.

was it less then 2 weeks from when you tried heroin and becoming addicted.. what was your thought that day after you stopped all issues would be solved? everyone has items they deal with everyday and 99% of that is not an INSTANT fix or solution Please give your self time.

Life does not turn around in a day ... week.

The next part of your life could be something you will find tomorrow or next month......or next year there are no guarantees.

AlladinInsane84 OP August 6th, 2023

@toughTiger6481 It seems you are right, maybe I need to give myself some more time. I might hurried. However so far it's so overwhelming. But it seems you are right, I shouldn't destroy the small progress I've done so far

Skansly August 7th, 2023

You can always share your progress here or you could use this thread as a diary as to how did your day go and if you have any problems , maybe we can all help solve them together.

kala August 6th, 2023


Please don't. Please. Your life matters!!! I just had a feeling I have to tell you that.

Sasher August 6th, 2023


AlladinInsane84 OP August 7th, 2023

@Sasher this was so relevant...! I could sincerely relate

NaturalEmpath August 6th, 2023


Believe it or not, there are people here who care even if they are strangers. The battle with addiction is not an easy fight and you are strong for staying clean for the time that you have. In times of weakness it can be helpful to think about what you are grateful for in your life. Stay strong

"Addiction is giving up everything for one thing, Recovery is giving up one thing for everything."

AlladinInsane84 OP August 7th, 2023

@NaturalEmpath Thank you pal, I'll try my best

mish3l August 7th, 2023

Please don't. It's another life lost and destroyed because of drugs. Remember how bad it was and how you didn't like what it was doing to your body and mind. It's a temporary plaster for your suffering but doesn't help in the long term, it's making things worse.

Actually you know what, you don't need any support from your surroundings. You are not defined by other people, you are not defined by your addiction. You only need kindness and support from yourself. You matter, you are enough, you are worthy and good enough, you deserve the best in your life. Give yourself time, please.

AlladinInsane84 OP August 7th, 2023

@mish3l I'll try to give myself time, I do agree with you that I mostly need to give myself kindness and support. It can be challenging at times though and sometimes I do need a kind word from someone else.

mish3l August 7th, 2023

I know it's hard, I totally get it. It's okay. You will be okay ❤️