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I’m an addict and I’m miserable

User Profile: Tariq13
Tariq13 3 days ago

I can’t get out of it I’m a drug addict I’m in pain every day every single moment I live and nothing helps literally nothing except my pills I don’t know what to do I was so much passionate about life now I’m just miserable and nearly dead

User Profile: toughTiger6481
toughTiger6481 2 days ago


I am sorry you are are suffering...

I believe we convince ourselves that nothing else works when it may be possible we just have not found another item that helps because we give up looking.  

I'm sorry you're going through that. I feel the exact same, I am always miserable, i do have moments of relief but in general 95% miserable.

It is torture.

I was so passionate about life too :( it is frustrating i feel like a zombie and pretty much dead with working body, but my mind is exhausted, its negative all the time, and i find it hard to do anything but to be in bed.