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Tips and Help

CJ9598 May 21st, 2022

Well, here's another morning, like every other morning with me wishing I'd not drank the night before ... and feeling horrible in a lot of ways. Would sure appreciate any tips, help or someone to talk a bit with about this. I can't keep going like this, it's affecting so many parts of my life. Hope you all are having a good day. 🌷

kindheartedLily May 22nd, 2022


Hi there. It sounds like you're tired of the cycle and are ready to make some changes in your life. That takes a lot of strength! I wonder how you would feel about tracking what your triggers are? Where do you usually drink? When you're alone? With friends? Knowing your triggers is a great first step:) I hope today is better for you<3

CJ9598 OP May 22nd, 2022


Thanks ever so much for your reply. I really appreciate it. Triggers, yes ... I can think about that for sure.

kindheartedLily May 23rd, 2022


You're welcome. Keep us posted on how it goes!