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Apprenticeship - doubting a major decision

alcre January 21st

Hi Everyone, I hope you are having a lovely weekend! 😊

I am a degree apprentice (work+postgrad integrated) and I made a decision at the end of last year, but it is the end of January and I keep doubting myself... and I wondered if you could give me a bit of a push/ encouragement to just finally crack on and do it? Feel free to ignore the essay and just refer to the summary 😉.


 - MArchD, architecture degree apprentice.

 - Discontented about the lack of support and mentorship in the workplace, despite contractual obligations, over the last 2 years.

 - Lack of interest from the side of the "mentor" - canceled/ignored meetings, dismissed concerns (ethical + over work projects & resourcing), mocked ideas, pushed into an unwanted, brain-numbing specialization, etc.

 - No support/ teaching, mostly just tasks with "do it" instead of direction/advice.

 - "Mentor" = team manager = a lying, gaslighting jerk.

 - Blocked development opportunities. Underpaid.

 - 5 employees, mostly seniors, left in 2 years. Very fresh team atm.

 - Decided to request a transfer to another office within the corporation.

 - Keep doubting and in freeze mode - how to get over myself and just crack on?


Long version:

As mentioned, I am a degree apprentice (MArchD, architecture major) working for a corporation, so I have an integrated work-university program with assignments and projects for the university alongside normal work projects and practical learning. However, I have encountered some difficulties with my contracted "mentor"/team manager ever since I started 2 years ago.

I am not expecting anyone to be my mentor in the workplace and teach me practical skills anymore, even if it has been written down in the contract. Being given a new task and told "just do it" with no direction has become a norm and I am now proficient at teaching myself on the job.

What I do care about, however, is my development and the fact that I do not want to specialize at this stage of my career, especially in the sector I have been pushed into despite multiple requests for a change. I have no passion for developer residential design (essentially copy-paste) and I don't care for my team manager's narrow-mindedness towards more efficient ways of working/winning jobs and new technologies.

It has been 2 years of my ideas being trampled on or laughed at. Of project issues raised - ignored, ending in problems down the line. Of questions and concerns - dismissed or subtly blamed on me, like when I was told "no need to make a scene" after calmly asking for confirmation if the new long-term resource is going to be allocated to a major project I have been responsible for with almost no support (and struggled with since, you know, I am a student, not a lead designer).

It's been better in the last two weeks, but I keep feeling on edge, always waiting for the other shoe to drop. As my (now ex-) colleague said, some things will kill your soul if you let them. The guy left a couple of weeks ago and I feel it is time for me to move on as well.

And yet, I keep doubting myself. Office transfer request is not a small thing, even if I researched other teams/offices and know they would most probably need the trained resource. I also met my prospective teams before (without anyone knowing I wanted to move) and they all seemed like pleasant enough people. 

It would still involve discussion with the "big boss" of my current office (a pretty great guy and a family man), the HR, and... the "mentor"/team manager who is well-known for spreading negative gossip about the capabilities of all leavers... and is the one who would most probably have a hand in signing off my transfer (amongst other architecture managers).

So, I keep hesitating. I want to do it because I know that nothing will change if I don't, but, well, I am a bit nervous. Very nervous.

So, could you just tell me "Hey, alcre, you're overthinking again, just go and do it"?

serenePeace3726 January 29th

It is completely understandable that you would be questioning this decision, it's not an easy one. A couple questions you might want to ask yourself are: what is the worst thing that could happen if I pursue this path? And Which will I regret more making the change or not making the change? Best of luck, and feel free to reach out if you need someone to chat with.