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Study Tips

User Profile: rainyLove17
rainyLove17 January 28th, 2015

If you're a procrastinator like me, you need good study habits to try and break that bad habit. What are some good study tips you use to be productive?

User Profile: WinterSun
WinterSun January 28th, 2015

Going to the library with a dead phone usually does the trick for me

User Profile: csjoshi1418
csjoshi1418 August 1st, 2017

you need good study habits to try and break that bad habit. What are some good study tips you use to be productive

User Profile: EmeliaThygesenLMHC
EmeliaThygesenLMHC August 1st, 2017


What I've seen work is: making schedule, turning off all your electronic devices and doing things by hand, and making sure to take breaks while studying to not get burn out.

User Profile: Marie6
Marie6 August 11th, 2017

@rainyLove17 Another good one is forcing yourself to study with a friend, in the class or not! It means that you're slightly more accountable because there's someone else watching

User Profile: rollinsjack
rollinsjack August 12th, 2017

No one is more mindful of this than the poor student who hasn't examined a thing until the night before an exam. By at that point, obviously, it's past the point of no return. The way to breaking the cycle of packing for tests is to think ahead and make a successful Assignment Writing Service study plan. Not exclusively will this help you get sorted out and take advantage of your opportunity, it'll also put your mind at ease and eliminate that nasty feeling you get when you stroll into an exam realizing that you're not in any way arranged.

User Profile: SupernumerarySoul
SupernumerarySoul August 13th, 2017

My psychiatrist actually gave me some pretty solid advice the other day when it came to studying or writing a paper; if you're having trouble getting started because it feels too ominous or difficult, set aside x number of hours to work on it. Worked for his adv. psychiatry students - he had them turn on theirr computer, open the word doc, and just sit there. You don't have to type. You don't have to do anything. You'll find that you'd actually prefer to get started than just stare at an open word document. Same thing goes for sitting at a desk with only flashcards in front of you. Turn your phone off, stick it in a drawer - the underlying point is, give yourself two choices - do nothing, or do what needs to be done.

User Profile: bluepineapple22
bluepineapple22 August 14th, 2017

I've learned to keep my phone out of sight when I'm trying to work. The saying "out of sight out of mind" is very true. I write everything I have to do like a to do list. As I go I check what I finished off. The list is on my computer screen and I see it all the time so it forces me to finish work faster.

User Profile: Erato
Erato August 14th, 2017

Turning off gadges/devices really help, or if you need to use them for documents/files, turn off the wifi! HAHAHA just set a time you would use them in case you need to surf the internet. Remind yourself the goals you're aiming for, list down the things and arrange them from the ones that are needed to be accomplished first down to the last one that's least important. Break down your project into little steps, then create an overall timeline with specific deadlines for each small task.

User Profile: GoAssignmentHelp
GoAssignmentHelp September 29th, 2017

I have faced same problem and while searching on the internet, I came across few assignment services provider including GoAssignmentHelp. But, of course they seemed to have the most positive reviews. So, I reached out to them for business assignment help,GoAssignmentHelp. Today, I am so happy after going through the assignment, that I have actually taken time out to share this review. They have done utmost justice to the assignment, imparting everything that I wanted…in a thorough professional manner.

User Profile: Hatake510
Hatake510 October 8th, 2017

The major thing to start studying and stop drifting off, is to stay away from your phone and the internet as the whole. Do that and you'll be safely studying for the most part.