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I really need help with school

Natta November 8th, 2014

I'm having SUCH a hard time studying. I'm a straight A student (but not a straight person haha just had to add that because it felt too weird putting "I'm" and "straight" in the same sentence without "not" in between) and I had a period of time (still in it) where I've been skipping school a lot for numerous reasons. Usually when I do this it doesn't affect my grades, and I have the highest grades and probably biggest academic ego of everyone in my school. My high grades are a source of pride for me but also of discomfort because I can never show them to any of my friends without them feeling bad about themselves. My iPad I got from school went missing, and I couldn't do any of the assignments for two weeks. Now I am behind on 19 assignments and exams, and I don't know what to do. When I try to study, I just procrastinate or work so slowly or just don't know where to start. I'm aiming for Ivy League and I need study tips. Can anyone give me their best tricks, or have you been where I am now?

smileforawhile November 9th, 2014

I'm so proud of you for obtaining such high marks. I think we all struggle with our own study habits at one time or another. You're definitely not alone. Have you tried going somewhere quiet where you can't get distracted and then return are forced to study? Maybe find ways to make studying more fun? (I use colorful note cards and pens haha). Have you ever tried rewarding yourself? Like if you study for X amount of time, then you can do something you want to for X amount of time? I hope you find a way that helps you stay focused when studying. Good luck and remember that doing your best is certainly good enough!

Natta OP November 9th, 2014

Thanks, I really like the idea with rewarding myself. Maybe that will help me not to get sidetracked if I know that I have something to look forward to after or something. I often go to my grandma's house to get some quiet since she lives really close to here. I do like to use colorful things! :D thank you, I will try those ideas!

Barush November 9th, 2014

I can really relate to this. I'm a chronic procrastinator, but it kind of stems from my perfectionism. (As in, "it won't be perfect anyway, so why even bother.") The only thing that really can make me work and focus is an approaching deadline, sadly.

Some of the things I've tried, and they worked for a while, is for example dividing the work into smaller chunks. 19 assignments seems like a lot. Are any of them for the same subject? Or similar at least? I.e. sciences, humanities etc? What worked for me well in HS was dedicating a day (or two, or three) to sciences only. Then moving on to humanities, etc. So I wasn't jumping from chemistry to history to English, for example. Another thing that kind of helped me was setting small goals. For example, studying for the next 30 minutes/an hour without a break, and then taking one. Or reading x amount of pages before taking a break. That way, I had something to aim for that kept me focused, and at the same time, I knew exactly when another break was coming.

Good luck with your studies!:)

Natta OP November 9th, 2014

That sounds like a good way to make it seem less huge and unachievable! Thank you! I recognizethe perfectionism thing, I'm the same way (as in, "I won't turn it in unless it's perfect and perfect sounds overwhelming so I'll just not start at all". Impossibly high standards, or at least itfeels that way.)

GlenM November 9th, 2014


Ingrid9 November 12th, 2014

It sounds like you are a very good student with good intentions. Good for you for having such high marks! As for study tips, maybe try balancing out the work by taking several breaks as you go. That can make it feel a lot less stressful. If you don't know where to start, sit down with a piece of paper and form a "To Do" list. Go through all your classes and jot down what's due as you go. Then figure out what order you want to work on them. That way you may feel a little more organized and have a sense of where you're going. Whatever you decide to try as you study, I wish you the best of luck!

Natta OP November 12th, 2014

Thank you so much, these are great ideas! I've decided to study the whole day tomorrow because we have the day off, so I can ace the upcoming test on Friday! I think history is interesting, so I actually looking forward to it. Maybe I'll have time for some other assignment as well. Thank you! :)

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