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Exam season support!

Jadie November 30th, 2014

Exams are coming around the corner, and I wanted to open up a support space dedicated for students during this time.

As a student, I?m incredibly lucky to have friends reminding me regularly that school is only a fragment of what makes up an identity, and I think it?s important to keep this in perspective especially during a time of evaluation. When I started teaching this semester, I?ve found that I care a lot more about the whole character of a student more than what the coloured pens on paper reflect - but there simply isn?t enough space on marking sheets to let students know how much their efforts are appreciated. I know that it?s easy to fall into a state of ?hopelessness? with cycles of stress, sleep deprivation, and not-so-healthy eating habits that come out of the busy-ness of the exam period, and that it can cloud the reality of certain situations. It matters a lot to me that students know they are worthso much more than what standard evaluation results can ever tell them, whether they be good or bad.

So, I?m curious to know, what are your major worries during exam period? In what ways have you received support, orreached out to support your peers? How can we better take care of ourselves during this time when school can temporarily take priority? Any heartwarming exam-season stories to share?

ordinarypeople December 1st, 2014

The exam season is one of the most stressful moments of my life. Actually, being in school makes me stressed out. I belong to a society where a lot of emphasis is placed on academics, which has led me to believe that I am defined by my grades. Growing up in an environment where letter grades are of utmost importance. I feel that I have lost out on creativity and the learning process as I have been taught the "memorize and regurgitate" style, where I simply memorize "right answers" word-for-word and replicate these model answers during exams. This has made me less curious about concepts I learn, as I simply accept things as they are, without questioning the reasons behind them. I feel stressed because I do not excel in any aspect of my life, which makes my studies and grades are paramount. I don't really know what to do but as of now, I've just been sucking it up and getting into the grind to get by.

greenPal57 December 1st, 2014

ordinarypeople, your post resonates with me. I, too, am from a place where your grades and marks are exactly how much you are worth. And what makes it worse is that in the school, I recently shifted to, everyone is insanely competitive and everyone talks about exams and marks. It's horrible.

One thing I've learnt to accept about myself is that I'm not really a naturally competitive person? Like, I don't care about this question or that sample paper,I just want to understand this thing dammit. Leave me alone. I like some competition, but I'm not as cut-throat competitive as some of my peers. Which is okay: it doesn't say anything about how I am as a person, just about my learning style, which is somewhat different.

So during exams I focus more on understanding the thing that I'm reading, and I'll only do the 200-odd sample question papers (they are a thing here) after I've understood every thing and each and every problem. Because understanding science-stuff and applying science-logic by myself makes me very happy, which in turn makes me care less about my marks.

Uh, and, the very very frequent de-stressing session (cleaning room, writing fanfiction, listening to music, whatever your personal destressor is) helps a lot.

1 reply
Jadie OP December 3rd, 2014

@ordinarypeople and @greenPal57, glad you can relate with each other. It is indeed hard in environments where marks are everything (especially since this is how our academic systems are built!). I?d like to share this video on how the public education system came to be, and how it affects us today - I think it's worthconsideringwhen feeling stressed about tests and evaluations. I?m glad that both of you are wanting to understand the material you?re learning - you?re both really hard-working, and that is a quality and transferable skill that will serve you well!

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December 1st, 2014

All the best guys.!! i am almost done with my exams only two more left..!!:D But yeah these exams definitely told me that there is alot of studying that needs to be done..:P Just stay calm and keep on studying..! :) Hope you all do good...:)

cyrana December 3rd, 2014

I don't have exams per se, but my final art project is coming up due and, because of a combination of spiraling depression, anxiety, and artist's block, it's not done. *sigh* Maybe college isn't the best idea after all.

2 replies
Jadie OP December 3rd, 2014

@cyrana, projects can be just as stressful as exams, especially when your creativity and skills are being ?measured?. It sounds like you still have a bit of time, and sometimes it is alight to use that last minute boost of energy to complete a task. You are welcome to connect with a listener as well for support for what you are experiencing. Take care!

daniellehearts November 22nd, 2016

@cyrana I totally relate! I have a jazz improv due and nothing will come to me!

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Jadie OP November 28th, 2015

Aaaand it's here again! Bump!

BloomingSakura November 22nd, 2016

exams just started for me and to be honest,i am kinda nervous since this is my first time taking my exams in high school. I studied hard and discussed the material often with my friends. At least i am glad it went well for the first day. But i guess i still need to prioritize my health and study well. Goodluck for others who is also on exam seasons,keep fighting ^^/