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Not able to read most of listener's profile?

Mugicha May 11th, 2015

On the 'browse listeners' page, it seems like the layout has changed, so that only the first part of their profile is visible, only one or two sentences? It didn't use to show the entire thing unless you clicked, but it did show more of their description, so at least gave more of an idea what they were like just at a glance, without having to click to read more. It makes it very hard to choose a listener, is it possible to adjust this?

AttenboroughsApprentice May 11th, 2015

I have this problem also... I can click to expand on only the first few i scroll through but after that it doesn't budge. Maybe a technical error?

julianna2121 May 11th, 2015

Same! I've been having the same problem where it won't load their profile. It's probably just a bug that they will hopefully fix soon :P

julianna2121 May 11th, 2015

Same! I've been having the same problem where it won't load their profile. It's probably just a bug that they will hopefully fix soon :P

MarieG May 20th, 2015

The Listeners should put if the are a man or a women becuase it makes a difference to some people what gender their listener is

Mugicha OP June 3rd, 2015

Any info on this issue? It's very difficult to find a suitable listener when on the Browse Listeners page, all that can be read of the listeners' profiles is a couple of sometimes rather uninformative sentences, for example: 'Hello! I?m glad you?ve found me on 7 Cups of Tea. I?m a trained-'. You can click to go to their main profile page and read more, but it seems for some that's not working, and it still makes it more difficult than before, when the Browse Listeners screen itself showed a larger section of each listeners' profile. Knowing a listener has experience with a particular issue makes it much easier to find someone, but there's not much space visible to convey that with this new layout. All the listeners merge into a rather homogenous seeming mass and it's unclear who might be helpful or especially suited.