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Mindfulness Exercises

User Profile: Athena86
Athena86 September 6th, 2015

To whoever put this new feature together. I absolutely LOVE it. I really appreciate having these handy as I often reference youtube or other sites that offer such exercises to members. That being said, I immediately recognized one of the exercises as being TheHonestGuys from youtube, and couldn't find their name referenced anywhere. I think it's imperative we cite our sources and give credit where it is due. Especially if these folks also offer comfort in different ways(other meditations, exercies, etc.) than what we have put on our site from that particular source. I LOVE TheHonestGuys. They do tremendous work, and offer lots of different guided meditations, which I'm sure we don't offer all here. We should definitely build up our partners as well. We're all in this together! :)

User Profile: Anomalia
Anomalia April 12th, 2016

Excellent reminder for everything we use across this site!