Love Category Maybe?
I've seen that guests/memberswho seek for listener now can label themselves with "Anxiety", "Depression", etc. So I think would it be much easier to be able to pick "Love Troubles" label? The label alsocould notify the listener with more love experiences to help the people in need. Since I think most of the time anxiety and stress can come from love troubles at least "Love" category would be able to help both listener and guest to be more focused talking about the love trouble that could in the end help the member/guest. Since maybe, in my opinion some of the guest might come here to simply ask for the advices of people who already been through certain situation and as love being a subjective discussion and did not really need a guide book and everything, makes everyone's opinion are highly encouraged.
Sorry for the bad grammar and/or language
Love help would be really nice...
the love idea would be really great