Bug in Topic Indication - Relationship VS Breakup
Hi, 7 cups' introduced the topic indication for chats a while back, but I noticed a huge bug while beinga listener. When members indicate the topic, 'Relationships', but we listeners see the tag when we look at requests as 'Breakups'. Please fix it, on one side or the other? There's a lot of miscommunication.:s
Hey @SurvivorFluffy!
Thanks for bringing this up! The first thing I can suggest is posting the fact this needs to change in the Listener Suggestion Box- you can post any ideas you have for improving the site in there. Unfortunately suggestions often get missed in the forum.
Second, issues can be brought up by emailing community@7cups.com - if you're expecting a response please allow about 5 working days!
I'd like to join here and add that fastest way to report a bug issue is to send email to our developer by submitting support ticket through here(on the bottom of the page)and choosing request type for bug report.
Good eye.