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Problems with listeners!

Okamii April 5th, 2018

Hi. My name is Kami

I came on 7 cups today because I was really unwell and I just wanted somebody to talk to who woukd hopefully make me feel a little more at ease. I started off in the chat rooms, I went into the anxiety chat, depression chat, support chat, compassion corner. You name it. I tried a lot of them, and I said hello, and not a single person said hi to me or even acknowledged my existence. So I gave up, and I tried 1 on 1 listeners instead. I tried about.. 10 or so different ones, checked the reviews of them, everything seemed good. Most of the listeners did not help at all, or seemed to not really know what they were talking about, and to my horror.. one listener even started trying to flirt with me after I told him about my problems! What on earth is that about? Only about 2 of the people I spoke to even remotely tried to be helpful. I come here to get help, and I get guys flirting with me and trying to come on to me... this shouldn't be happening! I think moderators on here really need to be careful about who can become a listener on this site! Because some of these so called listeners should have NEVER passed the test!

Now I still feel just as bad as I did before. Made no progress in feeling better what so ever :/ not happy!

Booklover95 April 5th, 2018


hey there. So sorry for your experience!

Well let's go by steps here:

1- don't use the chatrooms. I hate being the person that says this but they're terrible. Most people are extremly negative and refuse to help others (even ignore them). My suggestion is using these threads instead. Personally I check on them everyday and try to offer some words of support, so if you ever need something post a thread and I'll be here to help! :)

2-REPORT that listener!!! That type of behaviour is NOT allowed on 7cups and I'm very sorry you experienced that! Is very humiliating and degrading for going through such a thing. I'm sending you a virtual hug and an apology on part of the website. If you ever encounter someone like that again please report them or send an email to the moderators of 7cups.

3-Unfortunetly many listeners only ...well listen :/ This is a voluntary system so people don't actually have education on psychology or stuff like that. Is given a very tiny "degree" so is never enough. But don't give up! Although the majority is indeed not qualified or the best, I have met a few wonderful people that are amazing members and listeners. Don't give up of reaching help I promise you that you'll find someone good!

And finally, I'll offer my support once again. I'm only a member but feel free to comment on this thread or create a new one when you want , and I'll reply!

Hope your next experience here becomes more relaxing , kind , loving and truly helpful heart Best of luck!

Okamii OP April 6th, 2018


Thank you for that! Your comment made me feel a lot better and made me realise there is at least a few decent and helpful people here!

:).I would be happy to talk to you

Booklover95 April 6th, 2018


No worries :) I'm glad I could help!

Emily619 April 6th, 2018

Hey there, I'm so, so sorry to hear you've had a negative experience sad You can leave them a negative review and rating, and they'll receive a coaching email to connect with a Quality Mentor to improve their listening skills. If they broke rules, such as flirting, you can as well report them within the conversation. Additionally, you can flag their profile at their profile link. Moderators don't have a say-so in who becomes a listener. The initial listener trainings and tests plan to be re-written in the future, so hopefully that'll help. Thank you for reaching out about this, as feedback like yours help contribute to the overall betterment of this site smiley

Okamii OP April 6th, 2018


Hi there, thank you :)

I will bare that in mind the next time I come across anyone who is violating rules.

Hopefully when it's revised there will be much less hassle with listeners doing that kind of stuff.

Always happy to be giving feedback when needed.