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Editing Features of Forum Posts

User Profile: wojiaozly123
wojiaozly123 May 5th, 2023

I found out one strange thing about the editing features of 7Cups forums when I was posting threads. I am able to edit the top post of my own thread but unable to edit all the replies I have made. I am not sure if I misunderstand/unaware of anything or 7Cups forums basically just don't allow you to edit your replies


Hiya @wojiaozly123, have you been able to edit your threads/ original posts always? Or is this something you're seeing more recently?

Also are you in a forum based role? Forum supporter for instance.

I don't think, the editing power is there for all cupsers, unless they are in some leadership role relevant to the forums, or higher ups like ambassadors and admins! So this definitely is strange hehe! (Unless it's an unannounced update of sorts)

Tagging @Jon7cups and @cheerymango to check in with you soon about the same though! :)

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User Profile: wojiaozly123
wojiaozly123 OP May 6th, 2023

Thank you for your reply! Yes I am able to edit my threads but not the replies, neither am I in a forum based role😥 I don't know why 7Cups put this limitations on regular users, but in my opinion I definitely suggest them to enable all of us to edit all of our own posts as it will be much more convenient for all (especially for those who write journals in this forum, including myself)!

3 replies


Ah that's definitely news to me then! You can also submit a tech support ticket for the same here:

From my understanding, and what I've heard from the leaders on and off about this one, the editing ability is limited to only those who it's relevant to (in a leadership role), so it's easier to moderate in the forums and keep track of things.

There's a very unfortunate possibility of some people mis-using this edit tool to say something unsupportive/ violating forum and community guidelines and then later on change it to something else.

It'll make things for forum moderators a lot more difficult, when there's conflicts of sorts arising because of this reason. :')

If I weren't in the forum leadership already, I guess I'd want this edit tool also lol, completely understandable to need it for different things, for me it's usually correcting typos! :') So I do hear where this is coming from and I feel a lot of people think the same!

Either way, you can always pass along any feedback or suggestions using this form: 💛

User Profile: CheeryMango
CheeryMango May 7th, 2023


Thank you for flagging this for us. Users outside of forum leaders, admins, and ambassadors shouldn't have the ability to edit their own posts like @Sunisshiningandsoareyou has mentioned. I will pass it onto Jon so it can be looked into!

1 reply
User Profile: wojiaozly123
wojiaozly123 OP May 7th, 2023

Thank you so much for your help!

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