Can I restore notifications?
@KrinkTheMellowUniocorn I return once again for your expertise. You are not only brilliant, but also good-looking, another superlative, and yet another superlative! (Pick your favorite things you want to be and fill them in!)
Here's my question (this time): After I have x'ed off notifications, is there a way to restore or retrieve them? I fear I got too x-happy, and would like to see what I missed when my hand went all spasmy on my thos evening.
Thank you, o wise one!
I don't think it's possible to do so at this time.
@FlamingosWearLipstick and @roseflowers - if you are using the desktop/browser version of 7Cups, you can go to your menu, click on Community and then Announcements to come to this page and view all current announcements.