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MaddieLouise September 3rd, 2020

Hello im maddie, im a listner i know that life gets hard but as people think self harming will help, but it wont i know that from my own experince self harming will just ruin your life, if would like to pm me about it i will take the chat as i want to help everyone to stop self harming

Life gets hard but it doesnt mean to cut as some of us know that

positivePumpkin22 September 11th, 2020


Hii Maddie! Thank you for becoming a listener and thank you for starting this thread.

You are right. Life gets hard but it doesn't mean we have to cut.

Have a great day!

- Hanna

bubblyJulie September 15th, 2020

Hi there nice to meet you! Thank you for making this post I know there are many people out there really need this :)