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orangePerson4161 November 16th, 2022

Hi, sorry If this is not well written and comes out wrong.

recently when I’ve found myself having a breakdown I have been banging my head on the wall or the floor. I’ve never done this and I’m unsure why I started. Maybe the thought of getting my thoughts to stop by banging my head is reasonable at the time. I’m starting to have bruises on my forehead and on the side of my face. Can someone give me advice or help educate me on this?

orangePerson4161 OP November 16th, 2022

I am on meds & I do see a therapist. i find myself worried to talk to them about these things & have never been honest with them about this.

serenity451 November 17th, 2022

hi, thanks for sharing. I will also share my story that might help you and I hope you will read it to the end.

I don't know if I have a mental problem also I have never checked and treated it in a hospital.

I've been banging my head against the wall many times over the last few years. I didn't feel pain at that time. even I feel like wanting more and more. until someone came to stop me.

after that I experienced deep stress. where I hurt myself a lot and I'm not sure how I did it but I had asthma for a short time while my family has no history of asthma. and i had insomnia also anemic after that.

At that time I never thought about what people would think about me and what people say about me. what I think is me and my problems.

one day I'm decided, I want to be alone. I distanced myself from people for a while and I really did it. can be said like meditating alone.

and I found that what caused me more trouble was the surrounding atmosphere and people around me who give pressure. then I stay away from people who give me stress for a while. and I find books are also one of my problems. when I write my heart out, I feel more depressed and sad about my own feelings that I should just forget about. then I distance myself from the diary.

in fact, now I'm discovered without taking any mental supplements even though I tried to suicide many times before. but i realize aware of reality. and when I remember my behavior before, I think it might be a lesson for myself and a new lesson for people who want to be self-aware when there is no one for helping.

I mean just one. stay away from things that stress you out. if you are confused, think for a moment. look around you and notice what makes you stressed. if people, it's good to reduce the conversation for a while. and stop writing or drawing things. just cry a lot because when you become stronger later, you can't cry like your weak self now. trust me.

serenity451 November 17th, 2022

and another thing, my sister is one of the anxiety patients. she writes down what she wants to say on her phone and shows it to the doctor when she doesn't want to talk. maybe you can try it, bestie.

SunritaSimi November 18th, 2022

@orangePerson4161 hello, may I talk to you?